Application schema: Energy-ADE

Relevant types:

Name Type Definition Description
AbstractMaterial Feature Type Abstract superclass for all Material classes. A Material is a homogeneous substance that can be used to form elements. -
Boiler Feature Type - -
BuildingUnit Feature Type A building unit is a part of usage zone, such as dwelling or workplace, which is related to a single occupant entity. -
CombinedHeatPower Feature Type - -
Construction Feature Type A Construction is a combination of layers, such as a wall or a roof. <p> <img src="../png/Construction-Layer-Illustration.png"></p> -
ConstructionOrientation Feature Type Determines the usage of Construction in terms of the Layer order. -
DHWFacilities Feature Type Facilities for domestic hot water usage. -
DistrictNetworkSubstation Feature Type - -
ElectricalAppliances Feature Type Electrical appliances inside the building unit or building zone. -
ElectricalResistance Feature Type - -
EndUseUnit Feature Type Final device(s) which deliver the required end-use to the end-user in his end-use place (e.g. radiators or convectors for heating etc.) -
EnergyConversionSystem Feature Type Energy conversion system is a system producing the energy necessary to satisfy the end-use (or to feed the networks) from an energy source. -
EnergyCoverage Feature Type Determine the level of energy coverage (may be time depending) by a given operation mode of an energy conversion system. -
EnergyDemand Feature Type Energy demand is the useful energy required to satisfy a specific end-use, such as heating, cooling, domestic hot water etc. -
EnergyDistributionSystem Feature Type Energy distribution system is a system in charge of delivering the energy inside the building, from the place of energy production to the place of end-use. It consists then in the storage (including battery/tank and pipe volumes), the circulation pumps, the distribution pipes and the end use units (radiators, fan coils etc.). -
EnergySource Feature Type Energy Source is the final energy consumed by the energy conversion system. -
EnergySupply Feature Type Energy supply is the part of the energy produced by the energy conversion systems which is used to satisfy the end-use demand of a city object. -
Facilities Feature Type Facilities and Appliances inside the usage zone or building unit, which consumes and dissipate energy. -
Gas Feature Type Gaseous material -
Glazing Feature Type Transparent material -
HeatPump Feature Type - -
Household Feature Type Household is a group of persons living in the same dwelling, in the case where occupant type is residents. -
ImageTexture Feature Type This is an X3D element to map a texture to this material. From X3D specification: The ImageTexture node defines a texture map by specifying an image file and general parameters for mapping to geometry. Texture maps are defined in a 2D coordinate system (s, t) that ranges from [0.0, 1.0] in both directions. The bottom edge of the image corresponds to the S-axis of the texture map, and left edge of the image corresponds to the T-axis of the texture map. The lower-left pixel of the image corresponds to s=0, t=0, and the top-right pixel of the image corresponds to s=1, t=1. <!--When fixed: add type="x3d:ImageTexture"--> -
Layer Feature Type A Layer is a combination of one of more materials, references via a LayerComponent. -
LayerComponent Feature Type <p> <img src="../png/LayerComponent-Illustration.png"></p> -
MechanicalVentilation Feature Type - -
Occupancy Feature Type Occupancy is an aggregated group of occupants of a usage zone or building unit, which can be residents, workers, visitors etc. -
OpaqueMaterial Feature Type Opaque material. -
OperationMode Feature Type Operation mode details the operation of the energy conversion system for a specific end-use and operation time. -
PhotovoltaicSystem Feature Type - -
PowerDistributionSystem Feature Type - -
PowerStorageSystem Feature Type - -
SolarThermalSystem Feature Type - -
SurfaceComponent Feature Type Part of the thermal boundary surface corresponding to an homogeneous construction component (e.g. windows, wall, insulated part of a wall etc.) -
ThermalBoundarySurface Feature Type Thermal boundary surfaces are quasi-coplanar surfaces bounding the thermal zone. They may be linked to the gml:BoundarySurface when possible, but not necessary (e.g. cellar ceiling or top storey ceiling in the case of LOD1-3) -
ThermalDistributionSystem Feature Type - -
ThermalStorageSystem Feature Type - -
ThermalZone Feature Type A thermal zone is a zone of a building which serves as unit for the building heating and cooling simulation. For the simulation, a thermal zone is considered as isothermal. It is a semantic object, which may be or not related to a geometric entity. -
UsageZone Feature Type A usage zone is a zone of a building with homogeneous usage type. -
_AbstractBuilding Feature Type Application Domain Extension Energy of CityGML object AbstractBuilding -
_BoundarySurface Feature Type Application Domain Extension Energy of CityGML object BoundarySurface -
_CityObject Feature Type The base class of all thematic classes within CityGML&rsquo;s data model. -
_Opening Feature Type Application Domain Extension Energy of CityGML object Opening -
_SolarEnergySystem Feature Type - -
_StorageSystem Feature Type System storing energy. A same storage may store the energy of different end-users and different end-use. -
Absorptance Data Type Percentaged energy absorptance in different wavelength ranges -
ControlType Data Type - -
DailySchedule Data Type - -
Emittance Data Type Percentaged infra-red emissivity -
EnergyCarrier Data Type Energy form containing the energy (e.g. fuel, renewable energy etc.) -
HeatExchangeType Data Type Contributions of the different types of heat or cool exchange (convective, radiant and latent) -
IrregularTimeSeries Data Type Irregular time series is the opposite of a regular time series. The data in the time series follows a temporal sequence, but the measurements might not happen at a regular time interval. -
MeasurementPoint Data Type - -
Reflectance Data Type Percentaged energy reflectance in different wavelength ranges -
RegularTimeSeries Data Type regular time series contain values generated at regularly spaced interval of time -
ScheduleLoD0 Data Type - -
ScheduleLoD1 Data Type - -
ScheduleLoD2 Data Type - -
ScheduleLoD3 Data Type - -
ShadingType Data Type - -
TimeValuesProperties Data Type Information and properties of a given variable. -
Transmittance Data Type Percentaged energy transmittance in different wavelength ranges -
_Schedule Data Type - -
_TimeSeries Data Type Consistent series of time-depending values. -